Sunday, April 25, 2010

Trolley Run Race Report - 4/25/10

So this would be where I would write about my best Trolley Run time ever celebrating running this event some 5 to 6 times... however... this weekend multisport and real life were on a collision course.

Instead of a fun filled light hearted run down the trolley path, my wife and I are spending some quality time in Shawnee Mission Medical Center.

Multisport and life intersected Friday night when the wife had to make a trip to the ER for possible kidney stones. They sent her home after some IV fluids and with prescriptions for pain meds and antibiotics for a kidney infection.

No big deal you would think... little does the normal person know that if the person with the kidney infection is pregnant, it can be a HUGE deal. Unfortunately Emily didn't improve Saturday which led us to Shawnee Mission Medical Center ER and then being admitted for observation.

It's been a trying 12 hours thus far and feels like 12 days... stuck in a room with little improvement. At least we are at the hospital with medical professionals. Kidney stones are definitely a pain (in the back) and puts the kibosh on minor things like training and triathlons.


Mark Neves said...

Missed you at the Trolley Run this morning Ryan and now I know why. I'm sure Emily is in pain, and I hope Doctors get her feeling better and up and around very soon. We'll keep you both in our thoughts and prayers.

Ransick said...

Hope everything clears up quickly. Being pregnant is already uncomfortable, being in the hospital is makes it even more so. Hang in there.