Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Termites - The Enemy!

Thought I'd update everyone (all 10's of you) =) on the termite situation. The "Sitch" as I call it. Bad Jersey Shore reference. Train wreck of a show...

Anyway, bugs. We had the good people at Orkin come on out last week and apply some treatment. That included drilling holes in the garage floor around the perimeter, drill holes on the driveway, stoop and patio in the back, trench up dirt around the edge of the house, drill holes in the drywall in the garage, and drill holes in the siding to inject foam into the walls. Foam went below the garage floor (where we found mud tubes as they tried to climb the walls), below the front stoop, and into the walls. Chemical went into the trench around the house and they sprayed under the entry way where they were munching on the wood.

Some people are all like "I wouldn't talk about that being done to your house...". Well, as I learned once you have the treatment done, the treating company is legally obligated to report it to the state in Kansas. So, if you ever go to sell your house or have it appraised or what not, it's there. No point in really hiding it. But, at least it's treated and we caught it early.

All told it was about 4.5 hours for the guy in the heat and humidity. I worked on the basement in the AC... he worked outside and sweated it out.

But we paid enough to earn his sweat.

We have a year warranty and after that we can renew it each year but they claim that they have houses that 20 years after treatment, there are no new infestations. Lets keep our fingers crossed!

Enjoy the pictures below...


Christi said...

Damn termites!

Unknown said...

Hi, I read your post about termites and wanted to mention that I recently launched and have been trying to get the word out. If possible I would like to discuss helping me out with a link to our new site.

RFalkenrath said...

Drop me an email at and we can discuss options.
