Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Is it spring yet?

I'm ready for next season already!  Pumped for the races I have planned.  Big announcement coming on the triathlon front, but I don't want to get ahead of myself so I'll just have to leave you with that tease.

Actually made it out of bed at 4:30am today to hit the pool and lift and be to work on time!  Who knows if it will happen on a regular basis.  Tomorrow I take Riah to daycare and Liam to my mom's.  Should be interesting to see how the timetable works out on that one.

Looking to get more weight training in, like most multisport athletes at this time of year.  My introduction to athletics and real training was high school football and that's all my friends and I did was lift!  I wasn't huge but I'm no stranger to feeling the lifting burn!

I have yet to hit the mountain bike trails but I still intend on getting out there!

I did get hooked up with a 30 day trial of The Regimen.  It was founded by Katie Morse ( @theregimen on Twitter ) and Scott Allen in Chicago.  Katie raced the Branson Ironman and has picked up triathlons and decided to create some workout routines.  I'm interested to check them out and see how they apply and fit in with my other tri training.  I was on twitter and noticed her tweet for a free trial and got the hookup.  If you aren't running around twitter, you're missing out!

A couple Examiner articles this week so far:

The headphone article ties into my survey I posted.  11 people responded, 2 never use them, 2 people always use them and 7 use them sometimes.  So, the majority of people seem to need that background to melt the miles away.  No judgement.  You have to do what works for you but I know I cringe when my wife heads out with them.  =)

So, I do nerd out about FFB.  I have two yahoo and a CBS league.  Right now I'm 12-9 overall through 7 weeks.  4th place in one league and 2nd in another.  One league I'm 3-4 and not sure if I can salvage a comeback.  Tono Romo going down last night for MNF, while sad he got hurt, assured me a win by 8 points since he was done for the night.  Slipped by for that one.

Any other FFB geeks out there?

So, Liam has surgery Friday afternoon.  It was generally a success and he's been home since Saturday.  He now eats AND breathes at the same time and sleeps a LOT better.  Hopefully this was the trick and we can move on and actually get a schedule going at home.  Cross your fingers.

He's dawning a skeleton costume for Halloween and hopefully we remember to take some pictures to post!

And... after a nice 8 mile run, church, lunch on Sunday, what do you want to do?  Watch football?  Hang out with the family?  Me, no.  Replace the garbage disposal.  Sweet.  It started leaking from the casing and it was 9 years old so I chucked it and replaced it.  Old motor was 1/3 HP and now we have a whopping 1/2 HP!  LOOK OUT!  I think it could grind up glasses and pots and pans.

Stay tuned for The Regimen reviews and future articles!


KovasP said...

Good to hear Liam is progressing well.

Christi said...

Yea for Liam!