Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Some Baklava to Keep You Warm?

So lunch ride was COLD!  We here in KC are in the middle of a little cold front and I was out at lunch like a nit wit riding.  You have to get it in when you can and I'm not a huge trainer fan, so over lunch in near freezing temps it was.

Couple thoughts.

1.  Wish I hadn't shaved down the goatee.
2.  Wish I had brought shoe covers.
3.  Glad I bought insulated work gloves from Westlake Hardware to use.
4.  Sad I forgot some facial protection.

About #4, and the pun in my post title, I forgot to bring the one balaclava (not the tasty pastry baklava) I own.  It was in the wash and I forgot to get it from the clean clothes pile.  As luck would have it I stashed a stocking cap in my bag so I had that for my ears... and thought my face couldn't get that cold.


It's like when you lift and do new exercises and feel muscles you didn't know you had.  I felt parts of my face I didn't think I had feeling in.  It was a little painful at times but I made it.  Is it any wonder I'm still trying to shake my cold leftovers?  It's not the smartest move but like I said, I get out when I can.

I do know this, I'm buying more balaclavas asap!

Starting at $14.95 from

Starting at $17.95 from

Starting at $11.99 from

1 comment:

TRI714 said...

brave sole. Good for yu.