Sunday, August 14, 2011

What a day to get out and run!

This morning's run was glorious.  You couldn't have asked for better weather.  Pre-dawn was 60's, low humidity and non-existent traffic.  It would have been perfect weather for the Race for The Cure in downtown Kansas City, but I opted to use the morning for an 18 miler for the upcoming North Face Endurance Challenge Marathon.

Sorry Race for the Cure.  =(

Good day for a run!  18 miles and felt pretty good.  Not sure what it is but workouts lately have felt fresh.  Even after a half ironman, I'm out there feeling good and moving fast (fast for me).  I did take Monday and Wednesday off from any training and that might have helped.

More to come up the upcoming races and how I'm working the training to keep the base, and maintain the endurance without killing myself.

Difficulties come in 3's, right?  I posted about the water leak in the basement office Friday that I stayed home to get fixed and cleaned (floor is still wet...).  Well, Saturday the Internet was out all day so I called our provider to find out the their modem worked, but my wireless router had shot craps.  Luckily I had a 5 year old router I never used and it worked!  Crisis averted but another 3 hours of life I can't get back jacking with a router.

It's not like it's life threatening, but what next?

A few articles I've written lately.
Volunteer at the Jackson County Triathlon and get a discount in a future race!
Another man dies after the Kansas City Warrior Dash.  Is extreme events like this a good idea?
Government's handling of money killing the triathlon budget!

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