Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pick up some sweet Karbon Speed aero bike wheels ON SALE!

Karbon Speed and I have a mutually beneficial relationship...
They provide great wheels and pass along the deals to my readers!  It's a great relationship.

They recently engineered the XA wheel line as their second edition wheel set.

Read up on the announcement of the new wheels HERE.

All other Karon Speed related articles can be found HERE.

Here's where my special relationship with Karbon Speed pays off for you!
They are running a pre-order on the XA wheels that will only have an initial run of 100 sets.  So, hopefully if you are looking for speed for the 2013 season, this is your chance to get in.  Be warned, if you are too late, there will be no sets to reserve.

Click HERE to fill out the pre-order form.

They offer 6 months of no interest and no payments.  You can pay them off in 6 months or just postpone payment until the tax return arrives.

They start at $1365 after using the code "MVT" for 15% off.  That also works for 15% off any other wheel sets that could get you into a carbon fiber Element set for less than $1000.  The MVT code will discount the final price, but NOT the $99 pre-order reservation fee which is applied to paying off the wheels.

From Karbon Speed, "The all-new Karbon Speed XA wheels can be your "unfair advantage" this year and make the 2013 race season your best ever! Now is your opportunity to save 15% by securing your pre-order slot for only $99 (100% refundable deposit). We predict that all of the wheels will be reserved during the next few weeks and we won't have more for several months. Don't delay and pre-order today."

So what are you waiting for?

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