Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's a boy! Oh boy...!!

Check it out, sono of kid number 2 last week revealed we're having a boy! It was pretty obvious, if I do say so myself. I'll spare you from that sono picture but enjoy the profile shot below. He's kicking around in there and doing good!

Now, there are several logistical problems to get past....

1. Names!? We had a girls name picked out in less than ah hour... for a boy's name, it's not so easy. We came up with a list but find ourselves having a hard time deciding. Check out the list and VOTE for your favorite. Don't be fooled... we're not naming the kid after the name with the highest votes, sorry. =)

2. Space. We have 3 bedrooms but one currently is set up as an office. So... we need to finish part of the basement to make an office, move the crap down there and fix up the old office to Riah's big girl room, move her, and use the existing "baby" room as living space for squirt 2. Here's a picture of the process of getting rid of junk in the basement. I just about filled up a trash cart with notes from college... 5 years of my life in the trash. It was sort of hard to part with all of it since I put a lot of work into school, but in the end I never really looked back at the notes for help with work. Anything I did use, I kept, and instead of 4 shelves of school crap, I have 1 shelf. Not bad.

More to come. I'll probably do some progression shots as the basement is cleaned out, prepped and my father comes down to help finish it. He's the carpenter... I'm more of the logistics side.

So, that's all for now! Stay tuned for the Heritage Park Triathlon race report after this weekend and don't forget to VOTE on baby names!

PS - note that I've toned down the marketing on the site. If you are looking for deals and such, see the link at the top right for DEALS and SALES and that will take you to the blog I created just for that purpose. Keeping this blog a little cleaner for the good stuff. =)

PPS - check out the contest for funny story and VOTE before it closes this Friday.


KovasP said...

Congratulations Ryan! I voted for Xander, though Maximus is very cool (my wife's cousin's son has that as a middle name). We're in the same boat with #4 on the way, due in July.

Patrick Mahoney said...

congrats. I went Noah. Solid, old name that still sounds modern.