Friday, July 23, 2010

Articles & Trees

Check out my latest EXAMINER ARTICLE about getting some speed on the bike without modifying your training routine. Good stuff? Anything anyone out there would like me to write about?

So, here's a few shots of my real endurance event Sunday, cutting down tree limbs. After running my sprint tri, I came home and realized the tree in the back yard was hanging way lower than usual in spots. Ya, not only did our severe storm last Friday snap some branches on top, it snapped some lower limbs, too. I had to cut them off to save the fence and our garden.

Enter the hacksaw purchase and 4 hours of blood, sweat and tears.

I still have to have a pro come in and get the top branches, but we are ok for now minus some shade.

1 comment:

KovasP said...

I thought the free speed was the Cancellara motor! Losing weight is probably more likely for most folks. Glad the trees didn't do too much damage.