Friday, July 30, 2010

How Morning Workouts Play Out

4:30am - alarm goes off, hit snooze.
4:39am - alarm goes off, hit snooze.
4:45am - look at alarm and think "I need to get moving"
4:47am - get out of bed, turn off alarm to stop waking up the wife, dressed, eat, gear, on the road by 5am.

Mile 1 - inner monologue, "why am I up this early, it's kind of cool on the bike and I'm kinda cold, it would be nice to be back in bed..."
Mile 5 - inner monologue, "I wish they would fix the street lights that don't work" - I have a helmet light, but any light helps.
Mile 8 - STUPID TRAIN TRACKS and TWO trains at once taking 10 minutes... really, at 5:45am!?
Mile 15.5 - inner monologue, "that took longer than I wanted and sunrise is getting later and later. Dang it, daylight training hours are dwindling!"

Run Start - bike took longer than I wanted, shorten 4 mile run to 2 and do it fast!
2 miles, 13:30 later, done with the run.

Getting ready for work - I wish I could stop SWEATING! It's not cost effective to set the house temp to 65 degrees (although I did do 70 one day and forgot to change it back to 75 before going to work, oops).

So that was this morning in a nutshell. On a side note I FINALLY got around to checking out the Garmin connect web site for my 301xt and HOLY COW that has a lot of info! Scary how is has the map and it makes your info public until you change the settings. Your competition could cyber stalk you and find out how your training is going to try and out do you! Conspiracy. Also didn't realize when you transfer data, it takes it completely off the garmin device. No big deal, but just didn't realize. AND, I updated the software and that is a total reset of the 301xt. Had to enter all my settings in again. Got a distance notice at every mile for the bike ride... um ya, need to change that.

Alright, I'll leave you with the latest EXAMINER STORY about a kiddo triathlon here in KC. I think my daughter is a little too young this year, but by next year WATCH OUT!


Christi said...

Your daughter is adorable!

RFalkenrath said...

Actually that's not my daughter. It's a photo from the event but I garantee my daughter is just as cute. =)

Kathleen said...

Adorable no matter who she belongs to :)