Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's 5:30!? Crap, missed the workout...

So somehow I hit snooze for an hour and didn't notice it got to 5:30am when I finally came too. So, missed my time to get a workout in this morning. I was debating to take this morning or tomorrow morning off, so that decision has been made. No biggie. Just have to get my rear out of bed on time tomorrow morning. What's that saying, 3 weeks to develop a habit and 3 days to break it?

But overall, listen real carefully.... hear that? Crickets chirping! Ya, knock on wood it's been a rather quiet week at the home front. No hospitals, no emergencies, no termites, no storms to kill trees, no injured dogs... an actual "normal" week! Love it. Keep em coming!

I'm trying to up the training volume for Branson prep and hoping to break the 10 hour mark for this week. If I keep sleeping through workouts... may not happen. BUT, I have increased volume for the workouts I have made thus far. Just need a swim today over lunch and a BRIK tomorrow morning to keep me on track and then a nice long ride and run this weekend.

I'm aiming to have a little contest soon. Nothing too extensive but some socks from a previous contest went unclaimed so I have material for a new contest! Also to come is a look at some new swimming paddles and a swim buoy I got through "bonus bucks" I get through my health care provider for a healthy lifestyle. Amazon gift cards are sweet!

In the absence of an exciting race report or emergency on the home front, check out my latest Examiner articles about the local events here in KC.



1 comment:

Jon said...

Getting up early used to be worse than the actual workout. You are right, its gotta become routine.