Monday, August 30, 2010

Midwest Meltdown Mini Report Teaser

So busy Sunday night and Monday morning = no time to get a good post together with a full race report for yesterday.

EEEEEkkk you say? No worries. I'll work on it when I can.

But for now, chew on this! I got 5th overall in the sprint race so say the final results!

Here's my Examiner Report that's a little less biased than my blog for some tech info about the race. Notice I'm 5 on the results for short course.... did I mention I got 5th overall on the short course?

That never happens. Swim was wetsuit legal so that probably got me a minute or so after extra time in transition, but bike felt good and the run was 7 minute miles. It came together!

I'd like to think my day-before Chipotle Burrito gave me that carb loading I was needing. It had been a staple of EVERY race except last weekend when I was so-so. Lunch - Chipotle Burrito, dinner - posta and chicken. 50% of the time it works all the time.

More to come, but 5th overall! Woo hoo!

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