Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What's in you!?

So, as I take out the recycling, I look at our cherry coke box and notice an interesting statement on the bottom.

"Who knew soft drinks could be hydrating?"

Um, what?


"It's true.  All beverages hydrate, including soft drinks.  So if you are looking for hydration, but want the delicious and refreshing taste you get from Coca-Cola, don't compromise - go for it!  You'll be hydrating your body with each and every sip.

We offer over 80 ways to hydrate, energize, nourish, relax or enjoy every drop of life.  For more information on the benefits of hydration, go to"

Now, I'm no dietitian or nutritionist, but are you kidding me?  I tried the site and it re-directed me to the coca cola web site.

Now, I can see that coke zero is a liquid, and liquids hydrate you, but I don't think I'll be running the KC marathon looking for a diet coke at the aid stations.  The carbonation alone is a scary thought.  Maybe a real diet coke around mile 25 to get me to the end... but really?  That seems like a stretch.

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Sorry the box pictures are up-side-down... blog editor wasn't helping me tonight.


Patrick Mahoney said...

I see cans of soda passed around the peloton when I watch bike races but it always seem to be a coke with a water chaser...

Yeah all soda does is make my mouth dry. But het, you've got a big old panel on the packaging that needs something, you might as well reach for the sky...

KovasP said...

Just like high fructose corn syrup is "just sugar."

Christi said...

Marketing at its finest!