Friday, October 29, 2010

WTC here today, rescinded tomorrow...

I'm sure everyone has heard about the IM Access program's launch, and immediate recall a day later.  What a PR gaff.  By no means am I a WTC hater, but after my son's birth complication and lack of compassion from IM Branson organizers, I'm not a huge fan.

They are a business and make no mistake, they want to make money.  But $1000.00 IM access mainly to be able to register early?  Really?  I think not.  Now, if they would have come out and knocked off a 0, for $100.00 they would have sold out probably 1000 spots in 10 minutes.

That being said I will still run some of their events next year.  I'll be first to admit they organize a good event but they have the big business bottom line mentality when push comes to shove.

It's been hard to keep on the training band wagon with a newborn.  He was BACK at the hospital for some tests yesterday, but he was just a little swollen from his surgery last week and may have a little bug.  Plus we are switching him to formula and bottles only so he has been GRUMPY!  Up ALL OF THE TIME.  Fussing, not a happy camper.  Luckily he did not get to stay over night.  So... Emily gets up a LOT!  She's been great trying to cover kids at night so I can function at work during the week but holy cow!  I still wake up with him crying, and now the 2 year old might be sicko... no sleep = little motivation and less time to train.  Attempting an 8 miler over lunch today.

I did at least get a ride in last night.  20 miles and the toes were frozen.  I wear those shoe covers, but after 20 miles in 40 degrees... it didn't matter.  Anyone have suggestions for feet super warm covers?

As I do more weights, the miles per week are tanking even though my time is staying up.  Just something you have to live with while building up the strength base again.  I think it's very important to lift weights (wish I did more "in-season").  It helps strengthen around your joints to protect against all of that pavement slapping for running.

Swimmer Francis Crippen Death - Take by a local KC Masters Swimmer
Ironman Access Program
Kansas City Events This Weekend
Seat Post Recall

Is Ironman Access the straw that broke the IM camels back?
Four easy steps for busy people to live the triathlon lifestyle


SPONSORS are starting to come in!
Welcome Monk Pak and Thoroughly Kneaded Muscle Therapy!  Keep an eye out for special offers for my blog peeps as well as Falkee Triathlon athletes.

I am looking to add athletes.  Mostly it would involve wearing a pre and post race t-shirt with logos and temp tattoos with their logos and web address.  Hit the EMAIL me button to the right ( and let me know if you want to know more.

I also got some new swim jammers!  It was much needed as the old ones were becoming see through and I would venture a guess that if I don't like seeing old guys air dry in the locker room, people working out don't want to see my butt through the window to the pool.  Check em out, I thought they looked pretty sweet and are low priced for the off-season!  I got the black and green.


Unknown said...

Two options:

Embrocate your feet. Go get some Mad Alchemy embrocation (medium heat) and massage it into from your thighs on down. Keeps you way warmer, and you can wear shorts when it's 40 degrees. Fo realz.

Option two: I have some PI super-winter MTB shoe covers too that I use for cross. I give them a "meh". I think I'd rather get some nice Sidi Hydro Winter boots. Probikekit has them for about $250 shipped. Get those and never complain again. Or at least for 15 years until you wear them out.

Christi said...

Great post and keep up the good work!