Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tis the season...

For people with bad attitudes.

Getting a run in last night around 9pm.  No biggie right?  Nice little 9 miler with some sprints worked in the middle.  Ran streets I run all the time, being observant of traffic and trying to stay out of the way of cars, etc.

Incident #1
Running down a curve on the left side of the road on the sidewalk, street ahead, car comes up and stops well short and makes eye contact.  Makes me think they are going to let me run by before they make their right hand turn.  I slow a little to enter and then they decide to gun it and make the turn.  Luckily I didn't trust them and slowed enough to go behind them.  Nice looking out guys...

Incident #2
Same road, on the sidewalk, running and minding my own business.  Decent amount of traffic and someone lays on their horn as they pass me, and I wasn't ready for that.  I was rattled.  I'm not sure what possessed that driver to do that.  I was on the sidewalk, well away from traffic, minding my own business.  Thanks, jerk.

Incident #3
Made a turn onto a more residential street, on sidewalk again.  I hear a car and see lights coming up.  I turned to look to see them slow down with the driver side window down.  So, I just stood there and watched to see what they would do.  They sped up and rolled up the window.  Thanks for going away and not doing something stupid.

Is this the leftovers of the black Friday shoppers?  Were they up so early that they had no courtesy or common sense left?  Did I have toilet paper sticking out of my pants??  WTF.

NEW NIGHT TIME RUNNING RULES (ok not new, but lets review)

1.  Tell someone where you are going and for how long, plan your route - check
2.  Bring a phone - check
3.  Dress for the weather - check
4.  Bring fluids if you will be out for more than 30 minutes - check
5.  Wear bright clothes with reflective strips if possible - sort of check - jacket was dark
6.  Keep your head on a swivel.  Always be aware of where you are and who's around you - after the honk, check
7.  Garmin - optional - check
8.  Run in familiar areas.  Night runs are not the time to explore new routes - check
9.  Bring a running light if possible - I don't have one so no dice for me
10.  Stay on the sidewalks when possible - check

Hopefully the Holiday spirit is upon us and the only road rage will be at the shopping mall parking lots from now on!

On the holiday note, tree is up, lights are on the house, bring on the Fat Man in the red suit!!
"Is that a real tree Clark?"
"yep, dug it out of the ground myself..."

PS - for those signed up for my email newsletter, sending out some cyber monday online sales ASAP!

1 comment:

Patrick Mahoney said...

some people = losers. Crap like that happens all the time here. Especially in the summer on the weekend near the beach. Usually on the bike. My problem is that I can't keep my mouth shut. Need to work on that.