Monday, December 13, 2010

Another cold one...

No, not another cold beer... another cold week.

Temps started in upper 30's Saturday morning and tanked from there.  By 3pm we had snow blowing in at 30mph and by Sunday morning the temps were single digits and about of inch of snow blown around.  Today started the same and only a high of 20 is the forecast.  This week will maybe peak at 30 degrees at some point.  So, the trainer and treadmill have become my friend.

At least I wasn't counting on the Metrodome in Minnesota for indoor running!  Roof gave way to 17 inches of snow and now all the runners that used it when there was nothing going on have to find someplace else until it gets fixed!

I don't think I was outside at all last week.  A.  We have a sick kid that Emily is with and I have the 2 year old at home and there's no way I'm taking her out in this!  B.  It's just too cold.  It doesn't go by as fast but I do find you can do more specific work knowing that you can control the treadmill speed and on the trainer you don't have to pay attention to traffic, turn, stop, etc... just spin.  It has up sides and down sides.

Cycling - 56 miles
Running - 14.55 miles
Swimming - 3500 yards
Pretty much a half Ironman for the week!

I made the playoffs in 2 of my 3 leagues.
I'm up by 55+ points in both going into tonight and either team I play only has one player to go.  Peaking at the right time!  Maybe I can win some money to offset medical bills!  Woo hoo!  You know you are an adult when medical bills beat out ZIPP wheels or anything fun.

1 comment:

TRI714 said...

Whats up with my Chiefs ?