Saturday, December 11, 2010

You do not talk about Fight Club

Is Fight Club appropriate Christmas movie watching?  Probably not, however, it's what on while I wrap up some online work.

This week has been a little low on training with the Liam situation.  He's not been cooperating like wanting to not sound like a goose while breathing, so his surgery has taken precedence.

I did manage almost 5 hours for the week.  Hoping for a treadmill run tomorrow morning (bleh) as winter has finally come to town here in Kansas City.  Temps in the teens, 30 mph wind gusts, snow (only around an inch expected).  Plus I'm watching the 2 year old solo so I can't leave the house and running in single digit temps PROBABLY isn't a good idea with a 2 year old.  =)

I am surprised at being able to hold 19+ mph on the trainer.  I credit that to getting outdoor rides later in the year over lunch at work, keeping my bike legs.

Moneyman Ironman
Bike Recall
Kansas City Events

We have gained a new sponsorThe Regimen has been added.  Falkee Triathlon members get a free month of Condition level membership to try out!  Thanks to @KTFit on twitter!

We're up to 6 sponsors, and 2 more are pending!  Very exciting!  40+ athletes have sent in requests to be a part of the inaugural season, and I'm narrowing it down to 10 total.   Good competition out there!  Hope to have the team narrowed down after New Years!

Liam, oh Liam.  He's still having a rough time.  I don't want to get too in depth but he could definitely be doing better.  It puts a little bit of a dark cloud on the holiday season, training, work and life to have him and Emily gone so much.  All you can do is pray and hope for the best.

Hope winter is treating everyone good out there!

1 comment:

Christi said...

Ryan, I am so sorry that Liam is not getting better sooner! However, I do have him and your family in my prayers! I mean we Jayhawk fans do have to stick together after all!