Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I did it!

I got up for my morning workout, again!  Not as early as I wanted, but I got a good 47 minutes of speed workout on the ole treadmill.  Speaking of treadmills, here's my latest article on treadmill pros and cons.  With the weather the way it is, better get used to running indoors unless you dress like an Eskimo!

Two days in a row making it up for morning workouts!  Just need to keep it up to allow this weekend to be recovery while Emily is at work and I got the kiddos!  Hopefully Liam comes home soon and I will be able to use lunches to get it in, too.

I'd list the stats but they are pretty anemic at this point, sadly.

Check out the revamped TRIATHLON STORE I'm working on!  Not all sites have been added, but the main swimming, running and biking sections have been posted!  Consider checking them out!

Treadmill Pros and Cons
Special note - I have been picked up by a special sponsor for my writing until March!  Please help me out by checking out stories and sharing with friends!

10 Swim Drills

New sponsor XTERRA WETSUIT added!  Falkee Triathletes will be having a LARGE selection of sponsors to use and get great discounts!  They keep rolling in!

We also added Endurance Athlete Project as a partner site.  Pat Mahoney started the site, and for a new start-up, I find it very functional and comparable to other existing triathlete social sites!  Check it out!

Hopefully Liam comes home today.  We do not have a definitive answer why he is not 100% so we are guarded that we may have to turn right around and take him back in.  Fingers crossed.


Christi said...

Congratulations on getting those workouts in! That is big!

Get better Liam!

TRI714 said...