Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh the anticipation!

NEWSLETTER COMING OUT TOMORROW!  Rain or shine!  Don't be left out!  VERY exciting!!  Have I captured your curiosity?  Don't miss out!  Sign up over on the right ---->

Don't be that one reader that doesn't know what's going on!  My newsletters will be unlocking the mysteries of the world!  Want to know how the earth was made?  Want to know the scientific formula for plexi-glass is?  Ok, you won't get some of that on my newsletter but you will get some good deals from my sponsors and affiliates and recap of the good stuff I produce on the blog, Examiner and EveryManTri.

Ok, now that I have that out of the way.

Liam is home as of last night.  He eats well and breathes a lot better.  He's very fussy, though.  And, in pain a lot.  Not the Oxycontin pain, but need something stronger than baby Tylenol pain.  Hopefully we find a fix for him so we can sleep (by we I mean Emily since she tends to him to let me sleep/train/do what I need to during the week to watch the kiddos all weekend).

Now... if I can just get to those Christmas letters so they don't become New Year's letters...


TRI714 said...

Very good news on Liam.

Christi said...

Yea for baby Liam!