Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday Tidbits

So, falling in line, published an article advising triathletes on how to keep relationship discord to a minimum. Sort of ties into my article about divorce and triathlon where I reviewed an intense article about an ironman athlete that alienates his family at times.

I'm not looking to swim the English Channel like this guy, but I've made my fair share of some less than popular choices. Live and learn.

Snow and more snow.  I've planted myself on the trainer and treadmill.  Ho hum.  I'm ready to bust out and this weekend is looking to be around 50 degrees!  Probably won't take the bike out and get it gummed up with road grime, but looking for a nice run!

Ever had a poser on eBay that didn't send what you paid for?  I did.  But to my amazement, eBay now will refund your money if you use their case process.  Keeping my patience, after a week I got my money back.  Score one for the little guy!

That's all for now.  Happy training in the upcoming heat wave!


Christi said...

I hope you get that awesome weather this weekend. We are supposed to hit the 50's as well but I will believe it when I see it!

Congrats on the ebay thing!

Mark said...

Yeah, that's Kansas weather for you. Low of -12 today, in the 50s by Sunday.

Patrick Mahoney said...

Cheryl, feel free to comment with some of your vitriol on my blog. I'm sure Ryan is tired of you and needs a break. Or just stop completely. Yeah, that might be better. There's a way to disagree, and you have no idea what it is.

Anonymous said...

So my opinion on something is VITRIOL? hmmm....
oh please enlighten me on how to disagree. I guess I should have taken more debate classes...

Anonymous said...

Cheryl, please just stop with the negativity. If you don't like what you read, stop reading it and move on. Simple as that. None of us want to waste our time reading you rcomments. Every time you write something, it just screams "angry, bitter single-woman". Move on!