Monday, April 30, 2012

2012 Trolley Run 4 Mile race recap - 4/29/12

That's not exactly what you want to run in...
Normally, it would have been enough to turn me off for a race.

Luckily we had my mom covering the kids so Em and I could go run the Trolley Run.  If it was a 5k... it might not have happened.  Thankfully they had the extra 0.9 miles to get us to 4 miles.  It's a big race here in Kansas City and it's kind of a big deal.

With so much going on in life, I need to pick and choose what events I invest the time I subtract from home, kids, wife, family and friends my "free time" in.  Normally I wouldn't race an event less than a 10k since most training runs are 5 miles or more.  I mean, I can torture myself in rain and cold for free around my house any day!

But, it was a rare occasion where my wife and I could run a race at the same time.  So, off we went!

I had my goals...
Run fast
Not injure myself
Run sub 30 minutes

I accomplished my goals
Knee, good to go. Rest of my body, none the worse for wear.

In racing this event, it was short enough that recovery wasn't a big deal to make an impact on my training schedule.  So no need for extra rest afterwards.  It served as a good excuse for a "tempo" run and ran as hard as possible.  But, it wasn't an "A" race and I wasn't into running so hard to make myself puke.

Lets look at the numbers.
4 miles
26:24 for a 6:36 pace.  Not too shabby.
With so much going on, I didn't really have a chance to check out how I had done in the past.  Out of the now 5 times I have ran this race on the exact same course, this was the fastest.  2006 was second at 29:44.

Not too bad to shave 3 minutes off from 6 years ago for a dude with a gimpy knee, 2 kids and 3 dogs.

It's been a blessed year running wise.  Topped the 5k, 10k, 4 mile and half marathon PR's across the board.  I hate to say it, but running slow for long runs and staying religious with no-fun speed work has been paying dividends.

Could also be the SIX Nutrition and Puma Bolt Faas 400's...?  People love the yellow kicks and my wife can always find me!  I'm not saying, I'm just saying.

Check out the Garmin info.  Pretty consistent with pace, pegged the heart rate and you have to LOVE seeing the elevation being a sloping line to the finish.

Next up, Running with the Cows half marathon!


Christi said...

Great job!

Mark said...

9 ft of elevation gain? That's less than a flight of stairs!

RFalkenrath said...

And what a tough flight it was!