Tuesday, September 11, 2012

When vacation doesn't mean vacation

When you are moving, vacation isn't vacation...
Took the week off to move.  Oh joy.

Between our buyer having issues closing on time and the hoops our lender is making us jump through, packing and actually moving our crud is the least of our concerns...

But at least we can jam in a birthday!
It's Wee Man's 2nd birthday and from his start in the world, he's had some rough sledding.  He's even threatening to need to go to the hospital today with a bad cough and possible pneumonia.  Good times!

Sadly he didn't enjoy his birthday party too much being sickly and just not feeling well.

So, at least 9/11 doesn't carry the meaning for us that most of the world perceives.


Time to get back to moving.
Time to have some Breakfast of Champions!

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