Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How did I slip by?

So somehow I got myself hooked up with to write about KC area endurance athletics...

I feel pretty confident that I'm qualified in the endurance arena, however, writing isn't always my strongest suit. If I've got some mountain dew or Starbucks on board... I'm Rembrandt with a key board. So, keep the caffeine rolling!

Stay tuned as I get the process moving and hopefully post my first article asap!

Ah what to write about... any ideas out there for the first article?

Perhaps some advice on what equipment to bring on the bike to fix a flat properly?? I know all about that, now.

How to keep your house from being eaten alive by termites? Oh wait, not endurance.

How to keeps ones' sanity working 45+ hours a week with a family and training like I do?? Well, since I'm barely keeping my sanity, maybe not the best option.

Any suggestions?


KovasP said...

They have a Project 101 series where you could write a Triathlon 101, Duathlon 101, etc. article, answering the question What is Triathlon, etc.?

RFalkenrath said...

Ew, good one! That would be a good intro article for an Endurance column! Duh! =)

Trish said...

do they pay you to write??

RFalkenrath said...

Well, it all depends on how many times the article is read and a few other factors. Yes, but not enough to make any living from it. More for the fun of it.