Monday, October 11, 2010

1 Week and Counting Until KC Marathon

One week until the KC marathon. Should be interesting with the short notice training schedule I jammed in mixed with Liam going BACK to the hospital last week for some issues.

In 2005 I ran my only other marathon in Dublin, Ireland, for Joints in Motion for the Arthritis Foundation. I ran that in 5:11:27. That was the first long distance endurance event I ran. I new little about nutrition, hydration (I knew to drink water but ignored getting enough) and what it was really going to take. The last 4 miles was a walk-run since I was dehydrated and on empty for fuel. 11:53 minute miles... I got my money's worth out of that race! Yucko. This year I'm hoping for a sub 4 hour marathon. No barn burning speed, but a respectable time and acclamation to longer distance events for prep for next year events.

This has been one of the shortest distance weeks for training in a long time. Feels odd to transition to more running and less biking. Less miles. Not sure I like it. =)

Liam went back in for some issues with breathing and eating.  Problem is you need to be able to both in life and he was having problems doing both at the same time.  Took him in, his original condition he was born with is ok but found out he has GERD.  Gastric reflux disease, or acid reflux disease is defined as chronic symptoms or mucosal damage produced by the abnormal reflux of stomach acid to the esophagus.  A typical symptom is heartburn. - Wikipedia  We have to watch him closely while he eats so he doesn't have milk go into his lungs and he is now on Zantac... poor dude is only a month old and dealing with adult issues.  =)

Couple of Examiner articles.  Kona was a surprise for me as Chrissie Wellington was out with illness and I didn't see McCormick coming back for another win.  He was just off my radar.  Now we get to wait until December to see the race recap on TV... what's up with that?  Someone needs to start a facebook fan page for having it aired live next year!

Oh, and a little venture into triathlon clothing since we didn't have anything for my son to wear!
I thought it was funny, but I'm kind of a dry guy.

Also, I've teamed up with Dick's Sporting Goods and Speedo to be an affiliate.  Stay tuned to my Affiliate Site for offers they send me to distribute to followers.


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