Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fear the New Year

No, don't fear what the new year will bring... but rather all the New Year's resolution people at the gym.

I'm kind of on the fence until it gets out of hand.

On one side, I applaud people finding the motivation to break their bad habits, get off the couch and get a workout in.  It's not easy and if a New Year's resolution is what it takes for some to get it on, more power to them.

On the other side, I have ENJOYED the desolate gym this week in the morning.  Any pick of treadmills.  One doesn't work?  No problem, 4 more open.  Belt slips on that one?  No problem.  Move over one.  Want to swim after a run, no problem!  Both lanes WIDE open!  No stress, no hurry.  I don't have to hit the pool first and then run to make sure I don't wait 15 minutes for a lane.

Come Jan 3rd, that's probably going to change.  I remember last year walking in at 6am expecting to have a lane to swim in and NADA.  2 lanes, 4 people... waited 15 minutes.  It's not the end of the world but I had to shorten my workout and the tiny locker room is bad enough and then add 15 extra people and it's PACKED and cramped.

So, I hesitate to be a Scrooge and be all mad at the resolution crowd, but it does suck to have to wait them out until the beginning of February when they fizzle out.  And, it does happen.  Who else has seen it?  I'm not alone in this observation with this crowd.

I think I would have a different view if the resolutions were a life change and you saw the new people keep working out for the entire year.

Let the race rat begin!  =)

PS - anyone else see the article about Obama calling the Philly Eagles owner congratulating him on signing Mike Vick?  I'd rather he focus on health care, welfare, social security, taxes, economy, foreign relations, etc... Mike Vick while a nice story and props to him for righting his ship, is that something the leader of the free world should be taking time out of his day to be calling about?  Ring ring... health care on line 2!

PPS - check out Pat Mahoney's new triathlete social site - Endurance Athlete Project

* disclaimer - this post is laced valid points lined with sarcasm, don't take me too seriously.  =)


Unknown said...

I'm with you. Yepper - I'm happy for the resolution crowd (in fact I'm hoping hubby joins that club and makes the gym a part of his life more) but I love me an empty gym, a few and in between park run (and in my case) Weight Watcher meeting.

So I say, good health to all - just try to go when I'm not there ;)

Jason said...

There is no doubt they will be there but I take the opportunity to congratulate them on making the change and encourage them to keep coming back so that they can change their life.

It is a pain to have to wait, but I think about what they have done to get themselves motivated and what little I can do to push them to keep coming back.

KovasP said...

Well, there's always running outside!

Christi said...

I am totally with you on the resolutionists! I love them for trying but they alway disrupt my schedule and I find that very annoying!

Kevin said...

I know how you feel at the gym but the good news is within a month all of them will be gone. The resolutions usually do not last more than 1 month.
