Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Wind Sucks, and Blows

It's true, not just a perv statement.  I proved it on my ride this morning!

It was in the 60's this morning, so I pounded the pavement with the Trek!  27 miles and I was averaging 17 mph while fighting crosswinds... and then I had to hit the head wind to get home.  Ended with a 16.4 mph average.  I dropped that in 3 miles the wind was so strong.  Nothing worse than riding downhill struggling to keep 10 mph!

Not sure how the rest of training will shake out this week.  Need a long run, interval run, short bike and a swim.  Weekend is reserved for house duties I need to catch up on.

Kansas City Events this weekend.

I'm looking into getting a database of event reviews.  It's pretty basic, won't take more than 5 minutes.  If you want me to add an event from the drop down list, leave me a comment, email me - , etc.  I'm working on a rating system that I will throw out later.

We've added Greta Simpson to the athlete list!  Check out her profile and her blog.
We also added EcoSportsBottle and as sponsors!
Keep your eyes peeled for reviews about FLUID Recovery and TMAT pro here on my blog!

ALSO - if you have not checked out TMAT pro, please do!  I'm looking to be a distributor here in the Kansas City area.  So, if you are local, wants some mats, want some special order mats, etc, drop me a line at and I'll see what we can do!

GO hawks!  5:50pm - KU vs Boston College.  Keep it real.


Christi said...

Congratulations on all the new thinks happening with Falkee Triathlon!

Question: Why is it so windy in Kansas?

Answer: Because Nebraska blows and Oklahoma sucks! Go KU!!!

TRI714 said...

Wind, a cyclist best friend :-(

Bob Mitera said...

While I am not a fan of KU, I do like your blog. (My 1st visit.)

Keep riding in the wind. There is wind in Kona too (sometimes).

See you at the races.