Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dinner with Heritage Family Chiropractic

As you know, at least the 10's of you reading the ole blog, I've been hitting the chiropractor...
Ok, maybe hitting is a poor choice of words, but I have been visiting Heritage Family Chiropractic now for around 2 months for twice a week.

The goal is to move past lower back issues plaguing me on the bike and everyday life. It's not debilitating, but it does make a day less "skippy".

What sets Dr Gary's office apart is his personalization of the experience. He's high energy and he has to be in order to interact with the cross-section of people and the literal force that chiropractic adjustments require. He's young and eager to get people well and teach them how to stay well.

A few weeks ago we attended a dinner that his office hosted here in town. It was a short seminar on the Maximized Living view on health and eating at Uncle Buck's restaurant at the Bass Pro Shop here in Olathe. All Max Living offices host the events in their respective locations.

The venue was a very nice family restaurant that frankly, I never knew existed. You learn something new every day. In addition to learning about a new restaurant, we also were educated on some not so well known facts and conclusions about today's food production. My wife came along and has a lot better background in the nutrition side and is also a nurse. So, if anyone could tell fact from fiction, it would be her.

As Dr Gary and his wife, Christa, gave their quick presentation, I kept looking at my wife for a yeah or neigh confirmation on the topics. She saw no real conflicts with what they presented and had no reason to throw the BS flag, and later told me to stop looking over at her and annoying her... or something like that.

What's nice was the fact that Dr Gary realizes people have busy lives and in addition to the subject matter they presented, they wanted to provide a healthy dinner venue and facilitate fellowship between the attendees.  After 20 or so minutes of presentation, Dr Gary and Christa were done talking and we all began eating and casually talking to others at our tables.

It was a nice no-stress and no-pressure event.  They did provide a significantly reduced initial consultation price for those interested, which to my surprise my wife took advantage of.  She has enough reason to check them out for some issues she experiences, and she was satisfied enough to  hit the office for an initial consult.

It was what I would call a success outside of some staffing issues at the restaurant.  I don't think they were prepared for the party Dr Gary was bringing.  In the end everyone was fed and the information was useful in our everyday lives.  It was especially useful to make us feel guilty for eating jelly beans on the way to the dinner.  Mission accomplished.  ;)

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