Monday, January 24, 2011

Needed Pictures

Saturday's run in the snow was epic.  Man vs nature... the temps weren't the issue, the issue was that residents didn't shovel their sidewalks.  Sure, it made the workout tougher to run in 6 inches of snow, but on some spots I had to run in the street, no good.

I wish I would have snapped a few pictures, but I didn't want to stop my momentum.  For those of you that run in snow on a regular basis, props.  I compare it to running on trails in mud.

Did I use super advanced YakTraxs or something?  No.  Outdoor soccer cleats.  They worked pretty sweet except for wearing too low cut socks and rubbing a nice blister on one foot.

High alert!  TriVillage is having 15% off sale right now!  Check it out.  Buy me something...!  =)

Got a solid week in last week.  I counted the hour and 15 minutes of shoveling snow as weight lifting... I mean, it was solid snow.  That made the week numbers look even better in addition to trudging through snow on Saturday.  I need to start focusing on pool time now.

Last week:
57 miles biking - all on trainer - bleh
15.75 miles running
5500 yards swimming
9.1 hours total

Little article sharing what I learned at Church lately.  No, not only about religion but how to apply that to the real world and time management.

Grease Monkey Wipes Review coming soon!

Thinking about a giveaway but not sure what the interest level would be.  Item in gender-neutral and I think a lot of people could us it.  Not new, but great shape.  Either that or eBay.  Hmmmm....

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